Artist Statements by: Artist/Designer: Anthony “AO” Oropeza
About Sports Paintings
“My painting style evolves. For my sports art, its a constant change from a blank white canvas to an abstract background base layer to and subtle eruption of the athletic figure and letters working together. Meanwhile the background paint changes as the painting progresses and unfolds, its an awesome transition. Layer after layer of paint has an unseen purpose and eventually – the brightness and even the dullness of each color, of the athlete, and the sport, shines through in a polished, rough and gritty way. ”
About Design
“The beauty about design is that it is in everything. Specifically speaking about my design, I enjoy the challenge and thought process of creating something that evolves – but it evolves with certain constants. No matter what my subject matter, sports paintings, comic book art, writing, murals, graphic design or web design, there will always be a need for balance, structure, color impact and the idea for an audience connection. I have learned that good design takes planning and a huge amount of thought. I design so that the viewer doesn’t have to think – I want them to “feel”. If they can feel their way through a piece of art – they can connect with it. And to me that kind of connection is more effective than when they have to think first before they feel a connection. So for me, if the work doesn’t connect (with others or your audience) – then its just yours (and if that’s your intention, that’s cool), but if your work connects with others – then its the world’s – at that’s really cool.”
About Comic Book Art
“I love comics. I love to draw comics. I love the challenge of drawing the many different styles that are out there. Comics for me are a great mix or art, story and graphic design. I now know the effect a well drawn comic book and comic book character can have on a book and a story. It is amazing what you can learn from drawing, writing and creating comics. If you want something great – you’re gonna have to put a great amount of time into it. I love comics and when I create a piece, I create it as if I am going to hang in my own place – and I thinks it is really awesome to see when others like it as much as I do, to want to hang it in theirs.”