
Anthony AO Oropeza's - Kansas City Comic Con

AO at KC Comic Con-2017

Creator, Artist & Publisher Anthony “AO” Oropeza To Attend the 2017 KC COmic Con

AO will at the 2017 KC Comic Con



AO To Bring Comic Books & Sports Art to the Con

KC native and comic book creator Anthony AO Oropeza is slated to be at the KC Comic Con November 10-12. He will both comic book and prints of his sports and fine art displayed and for sale. He will also be available for original sketches and discuss and schedule future school visits with teachers and librarians that attend.

His table will also have FREE coloring pages of both AMIGOMAN comic book character and his KC Royals coloring pages.

For quick updates follow him on Facebook.com/anthonyaooropeza or Facebook.com/AMIGOMANCOMICBOOKS

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